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Enterprise Compliance Engine

Proactive compliance strategy and regulatory change management in real time. Learn more >



AI-Powered GRC Software

Ever innovative, Decision Focus harnesses AI to develop agile, flexible, user-centric GRC software​

A No-Code Solution

At Decision Focus, our no-code solution allows users to adapt and modify fields and functionality within the application whilst hiding what happens behind the scenes, making our platform easily configurable to meet your exact needs.

Want to Know more?

At Decision Focus we deliver a GRC solutions customised to your needs - all in one SaaS platform.

Our support team is ready to help your organisation get started with Decision Focus.

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CUBE Integration delivers worldwide regulations directly in Decision Focus and lets you link it to your Controls, Policies and Risks for full transparency
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Create, collaborate, edit, update, manage, and disseminate your latest governance and compliance documents from one easy-to-use, modern platform, and pull in all final documents to Decision Focus.

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Receive notifications from Decision Focus, directly in Slack. Let your reminders appear in SlackBot, and have all requests from users appear in any Slack Channel.

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You can view any Jira information from within Decision Focus. Create audits where request details can be updated and tracked in both Jira and Decision Focus.

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ServiceNow provides IT management. With Decision Focus you can get bi-directional integration, allowing exchange of IT Security, Infrastructure and Application data.

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BitSight offers the most widely adopted Security Ratings solution with a mission to change the way the world addresses cyber risk.


BigFix is leading in finding and fixing endpoints faster than any other solution.

Integrate with Decision Focus, and build InfoSec and Enterprise wide Risk posture overviews.


IBM QRadar for IT vulnerability scanning. See one full overview in Decision Focus, of trends, metrics and details - across Risks and Offences with an easy committee ready report.

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Apply our connector to DB2, to facilitate loading data into DB2, which will then serve as Data Warehouse for any other BI or reporting tool.


Exchange information around Vendor Risk Management responses, scores and add to your complete Vendor Risk overview in Decision Focus.


Cognos reports are built with data pulled from Decision Focus, and reports from Cognos can be embedded into Decision Focus. Facilitated via DB2 connector.

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Single Sign on via Azure ID or Microsoft 365. Use it exclusively, or allow Restricted sign-on as well for external partners.

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Unify data from many sources to create interactive, immersive dashboards and reports that provide actionable insights and drive business results.


Single Sign on to Decision Focus via IBM Bluepages.

Hosted on IBM Cloud with enterprise grade security.

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Built in support facility with Chat services from Intercom. Get your own support team to respond to your users, highlight changes, and deliver user guides.

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For large scale implementations, enable Google Analytics for tracking use patterns of risk, controls, reports, audits and surveys. Use this to continuously build better workflows and increase your adoption of GRC.

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Syncronize any artefacts from IBM Team Concert with Decision Focus, for planning Audits, executing Risk Mitigation Tasks and collection of Evidence.

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Read notifications in your email, or in-app -fully integrated with one-click links to your risks, controls and more - for seamless workflow


Single Sign on OKTA. Use it exclusively, or allow Restricted sign-on as well for external partners.


ClickView reports are built with data pulled from Decision Focus. Use data across Risk, Controls, Evidence, Tasks, Surveys and more, in ClickView.

Committee Ready Reporting

Streamlined IT Security process

Intuitive and collaborative

Abolish Audit Anxiety

Portfolio Roadmapping

Any questions?

The Decision Focus team are here to answer your questions.